Change Log: `bootstrap-popover-x` ================================= ## Version 1.5.1 **Date:** 25-Sep-2021 - (bug #46): Correct android keyboard disappearing issue in popover-x embedded inputs. ## Version 1.5.0 **Date:** 19-Sep-2021 - Simplify NPM module handling. ## Version 1.4.9 **Date:** 11-Sep-2021 - (enh #45): Enhance popover-x to be initialized effectively via custom JS. Popover-x can be initialized separately via custom javascript using the `popoverButton` plugin ```js $('#myCustomButton').popoverButton({ target: '#myCustomDialog', placement: 'auto' }); ``` - (enh #44): Enhancements to popover-x to work effectively with bootstrap modals. - Enhance plugin to work better with NPM module. ## Version 1.4.8 **Date:** 05-Sep-2021 - (enh #43): Enhancements to support Bootstrap v5.x. - (enh #41): Correct jQuery load. - (enh #40): Correct arrow CSS styles ## Version 1.4.7 **Date:** 14-Sep-2018 - New `dialogCss` property to allow setting dialog CSS style attributes before load. ## Version 1.4.5 **Date:** 13-Sep-2018 - Enhance bootstrap 4 arrow positioning via CSS class `is-bs4` on popover container. - (enh #32): Enhancements to support Bootstrap v4.x framework. ## Version 1.4.4 **Date:** 07-Sep-2017 - (enh #31): Code enhancements for jQuery 3.x. - (enh #30): More intuitive screen placement depending on media size. New PopoverX plugin properties: - `autoPlaceSmallScreen`: _boolean_, defaults to `true`, and if `true` will attempt to auto place the popover on smaller screens or on window resize. - `smallScreenWidth`: _boolean_, defaults to `640`, above rule will be applied for device screen width less than this size. - Implement `package.json` for npm update. - (enh #29): Add `img` folder and indicator for the `popover-loading` css style. ## Version 1.4.3 **Date:** 04-Jan-2017 - (bug #28): Correct popover marker div rendering. - More correct styles for popover-x positioning behind BS navbar. ## Version 1.4.2 **Date:** 04-Dec-2016 - Add github contribution templates. - (enh #26): Allow scrolling of the page body after popover is shown. - (enh #25): Add ability to set `trigger` events other than click for popover button. - (enh #24): Enhance ability to register plugin via javascript. - (enh #22): Add support for require.js. - (enh #21): Add ability to support auto placement with various new auto placement settings. ## Version 1.4.1 **Date:** 18-Mar-2015 - (enh #10): Refactor code for bootstrap v3.3.4. - (enh #9): Set document ready to be compatible with jquery.turbolinks. ## Version 1.4.0 **Date:** 17-Feb-2015 - Update copyright year. - (enh #8): Implement reusable constructor for extending plugin if needed. - (enh #7): Lint changes & code formatting updates for JS & CSS. - (enh #6): Add new `useOffsetForPos` property to allow using offset instead of position. ## Version 1.3.0 **Date:** 24-Nov-2014 - (enh #3): Modal styling fix for eliminating unnecessary modal padding in BS 3.3.1 for popover-x ## Version 1.2.0 **Date:** 08-Nov-2014 - Set release to stable in composer.json. - Updated CHANGE log to reflect user friendly date time formats. ## Version 1.1.0 **Date:** 24-Oct-2014 - enh #2: Add eight additional placement positions. With this release, the popover-x will support these new placement options: - right - left - top - bottom - top top-left - top top-right - bottom bottom-left - bottom bottom-right - left left-top - left left-bottom - right right-top - right right-bottom ## Version 1.0.0 **Date:** 15-Jul-2014 Initial release. - The extended popover can be rendered just like a bootstrap modal dialog with the bootstrap popover styling. Since the plugin extends the bootstrap modal, all features of the [bootstrap modal]( and its methods are also available. - Adds a popover footer along with header. Configuration of the HTML content for the popover is much easier, just like a bootstrap modal. - Specially styles and spaces out bootstrap buttons added in popover footer. - Add a close icon/button to a popover window. - Configure various prebuilt styles/templates. In addition to a default (grey), the bootstrap 3 contextual color styles of `primary`, `info`, `success`, `danger`, and `warning` can be used. - Control popover placements `top`, `bottom`, `left`, or `right` of the target element. - Specially style the popover arrow to be consistent for each contextual color and popover placement. - Prebuilt CSS styles for controlling appearance and sizes of the popovers